Data use and transport modelling to enhance road safety

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Join us for our second joint webinar: 30 January, 10h00-11h30.
Organised by three EU-funded sister projects: SOTERIA, PHOEBE and V4SAFETY.

In this 90-minute webinar, we will briefly share our experiences after our first year. Then we’ll dive into data use and transport modelling! This dynamic online event aims to foster dialogue, share insights, and draw preliminary conclusions, to enhance road safety through data gathering, processing and transport modelling.

The focus will be on data collection and data use aspects of the three projects to highlight that transport modeling can improve road safety of vulnerable road users, by testing adjustments in speed limits, infrastructure and vehicle safety first in a digital model before applying policies or adjusting roads. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with our experts during Q&A segments and live polls, which will influence the panel debate in the second half of the webinar.

-Project updates from PHOEBE, SOTERIA and V4SAFETY (incl. Q&A)*
-Our communication channels
-Mentimeter questions to the audience
-Panel discussion on road safety and data use.

To participate please register before 26 January, 2024.

*These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Programme.

2nd joint webinar | How the use of data can enhance urban road safety