PraxisConference Pedestrian Protection

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The PraxisConference is the international industry meeting point for pedestrian protection. At first the event was only about pedestrian potrection, in the meantime the topic has been broadened: all vulnerable road users (VRU) are now addressed, including cyclists and motorcyclists.

V4SAFETYs recent collaboration with Audi centered on Traffic Safety of Powered Stand-Up Scooters, was one of the topics at this yearly conference, organized by CAHRS. Related data is still scarce and inhomogeneous and trends need be confirmed in order to make the right choices in terms of road safety policies.

V4SAFETY project partner LAB PSA / Renault supplied both statistical and reconstructed data to assess car involvement and collision configurations and parameters in crashes involving Powered Stand-Up Scooters. The latter (still to be complemented) provide precious insight in order to design active safety measures aimed at avoiding the accidents.

Results confirm that the right way to deal with traffic safety of Powered Stand-Up Scooters is to enforce law and education but also improve infrastructure, rather than implementing passive measures on cars.

Presentation details:
‘Traffic Safety of Powered Stand-Up Scooters’
Presented by: Dr.-Ing. Holger Staack, Chantal Klier (AUDI AG)
-Current Accident statistics & analysis
-Areas of action for accident prevention & injury reduction
-Strategies for safer traffic with powered standing scooters

Carhs Praxis Conference 2023 | Traffic Safety of Powered Stand-Up Scooters