Second V4SAFETY consortium meeting

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Last week, the V4SAFETY consortium visited BMW Research and Innovation Center (FIZ) in Munich, for its second General Assembly.

The first day started with in-depth updates from the work packages. In the afternoon we looked into use case specifications, needs, and partner contributions. Valuable discussions and lots of knowledge sharing!
On the second day we did a deep dive into the design of the safety assessment framework and the complex topic of sensitivity of an assessment to e.g. model assumptions and data availability. In interactive sessions we also looked at the various stakeholder groups, how they would use the safety assessment framework and how partners would turn the results into value and business. We made some real progress.

The project is underway for half a year now, resulting in internal results like a consolidated set of requirements for the framework and some of its key components, a first overview of baseline data sources and a consolidated list of use cases for demonstration.

2nd General Assembly at project partner BMW in Munich
V4SAFETY consortium